Travelling Gomezs

Geff & Jeannie's blog

Reflections on South Australia

Maybe first reflections on SA, as we’ve only been here 3 weeks.

The drivers seem very friendly here! Many wave for no reason at all – and wave in a nice way. Car drivers wave, caravan drivers wave, some truck drivers wave. I even had a police officer wave at me just to be friendly. I assume he was just being friendly, as I put my foot down and kept going πŸ˜…. He didn’t chase me, so all was good.

Different parts of the state are more “wavy” than others. I don’t know why.

There are lots of flies here. A lot. Perhaps the drivers are shooing away flies and not waving at all? No, no, they are definitely waving.

There are beautiful beaches everywhere. Mostly with very few or no people on. We have to stop ourselves saying, “Oh, yes, another beautiful beach (yawn).” Only kidding.

There are not many people about, except in caravan parks. There are lots of people in caravan parks.

We have been travelling around the Eyre peninsula, which is noted for its seafood. Let me tell you that not many of the fish actually swim close to the shore or jetties. If you have a boat, it’s a different matter. Or maybe I’m just not a very good fisherman. πŸ˜•

Oh! And there are midges or sandflies. They are a combination of fly and mosquito but much smaller and silent – with a nasty bite.

The climate is different here. We see crops growing in fields. Beautiful flowers in gardens. Not what you would find in WA now.

It has been so windy here! Perth is known as the windy city, and rightly so. But SA, you can gladly take that title. I saw a van here with Australian Wind Services painted on the side. Definitely not needed – no extra wind required here!

To any SA residents reading this blog, I sincerely apologise in advance if I have said anything to offend you. You live in a vast and beautiful part of the world, and we have only seen a tiny bit of the state so far. And it is varied and beautiful. I’m sure you have more flying, biting insects tucked away elsewhere for us, though πŸ˜‰.

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